Premium Support is included with each premium theme purchased either through our support forum or requests made via email directly to us through our contact form. Support is defined as responding to general setup questions and bug fixes.

In general Premium Support will NOT include extensive customization work made on your website or alterations that require custom HTML and CSS coding. If we engage in providing you with such customization snippets it will be at the discretion of the support team. If you require major modifications, then you should consider purchasing custom development for your site or seek out hiring a freelancer.

Free support queries must be always posted to the appropriate support forum thread.

There is no guaranteed free support offered for any of our free themes. You’re welcome to post any questions you have about our free themes on the theme’s support forum although the forum is only checked 2 times weekly and responses aren’t guaranteed.

We won’t provide support that requires us to view websites with questionable content including, but is not limited to pornography, prostitution, racist content, possible scams, etc. We reserve the right to refuse support if a member is abusive or in violation of our terms and conditions.

Standard Support Opening Hours:

All standard support is offered Monday through Friday, 10am to 4pm (UTC+2/GMT+1). Any support given out of these hours are completely at our discretion.

Please read our FAQs and Terms and Conditions carefully before purchasing your theme or plugin. And as always, you can email questions or contact us in advance.