Tortoiz Themes

Multiple Vulnerabilities in WordPress and way to secure it

We know that WordPress has Multiple Vulnerabilities. So that’s why your site can be hacked easily. I will discuss how to overcome this problem, I did not write down what the problem is. Because a lot has already been written about this. So I just discussed the remedy here.

First go to the / public_html / or / www / or / htdocs / folder or the sub-folder where you have installed WordPress with the FTP or Hosting Cpanel’s File Manager.

Now open the .htaccess file from the WordPress Installation Root folder.
Now copy and paste the following code.

# Start WordPress Vulnerabilities fixed
order allow,deny
deny from all
order allow, deny
deny from all
# End WordPress Vulnerabilities fixed

Once pasted, save the file.

Now go to the “wp-admin” folder and create a .htaccess file here and copy and paste the following code into the file as before.

# Start WP-Admin Vulnerabilities fixed
order allow, deny
deny from all
order allow, deny
deny from all
# End Wp-Admin Vulnerabilities fixed

Now save the file.

Now open the browser for testing and open the link as below




If it shows 404 Error or Not Found type message, you will understand .. You have done the job successfully.

Now to add a little more security, go to / wp-content / themes / your used theme / folder and open the functions.php file.

Now at the very end of this file?> Copy and paste the following line before. By doing this, no one will be able to understand which version of WordPress you are using

[highlight]remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');[/highlight]

Now your WordPress site is protected.